In Turkmenistan, the activity of using Bank cards increased by 8 percent

In Turkmenistan, the activity of using Bank cards increased by 8 percent. If on the first of January this year, 3.9 million Bank cards were actively used in the country, by now this figure has increased by 4.3 million.
In February, the largest order for receiving cards was received. This month, 80935 Bank cards were produced.
Most customers use payment cards of the commercial Bank of Turkmenistan “Daikhanbank”. To date, their number has reached up to 1.6 million. The second place is taken By the state commercial Bank “Turkmenistan” with 809,139 users of Bank cards.
Most of the maps are used in the city of Ashgabat. Currently, there are 1.6 million Bank cards in hand here, 38 percent of which are cards of the Bank for foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan. Mary velayat is in second place with 745,823 maps.
Daikhanbank issued the most Bank cards in the Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats. This is due to the fact that in these regions the number of tenants is greater than in Ashgabat and the Balkan velayat.
Over the past four and a half years, the number of Bank cards in Turkmenistan has increased fourfold. In 2016, there were just over one million cards in circulation.
Despite the fact that the number of banks has grown, the number of ATMs in the country remains the same. Currently, there are 2,197 ATMs in the country.

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