During the first week of harvest, tenants of the Lebap velayat received more than 11 million 968 thousand manats for the wheat harvest. All the money was transferred to their Bank cards.
In velayat, the start of the new harvest was given on June 5. Combine harvesters and drivers are well aware of the need to harvest in a short time and therefore work tirelessly. More than one-third of the planned harvest in the velayat has already been collected and delivered to receiving points and elevators. As we previously reported, this year grain growers of the Lebap velayat plan to collect 310 thousand tons of high-quality wheat.
From the first days of the new harvest, the settlement with the tenants began. According to the velayat branch of the State commercial Bank of Turkmenistan, more than 44 million 384 thousand manats have already been transferred to the accounts of peasant associations. Immediately after the tenant collects and delivers the crop to the receiving point, the payment is made to him in a short time.
The number of peasant associations fulfilling their contractual obligations is growing every day. In the Kugitan, Sayat and Khalch etraps, the harvest is more organized.