President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the fields of the daikhan farm “Tebygy Ekin”, which specializes in growing vegetables and potatoes.
In an interview with the head of a peasant farm, a member of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs Rustem by Baskovym the leader of the nation inquired about the specifics of the work, condition acreage, cultivated variety of agriculture and its productivity.
The entrepreneur said that in February of this year, “Gala” potatoes were sown on an area of 370 hectares. It is expected to harvest about 200 quintals per hectare.
Byashimov noted that thanks to the huge state support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, there are wide opportunities for fruitful work. All this contributes to ensuring food abundance and creating new jobs. Currently, more than 200 people work in the daikhan farm.
Noting with satisfaction that entrepreneurs have been active in the agro-industrial complex in recent years, President