On the eve of Novruz, exhibitions dedicated to this holiday were organized in the historical and local history Museum of the Lebap velayat, etrap museums, libraries, and educational institutions. Various events were held in institutions, enterprises, and public organizations. Today, the masters of art performed a special concert program. They came to the festival with their fervent songs, incendiary dances, literary and musical compositions. And folk groups in their speeches, showed the customs associated with the holiday .
On this day, people, following long-standing traditions, went to visit, various dishes were prepared in families, which were treated to guests. A special place among the dishes was occupied by semeni, which is prepared from young wheat shoots and is considered a special dish of Novruz. They were served to neighbors, friends, relatives and acquaintances.
The international holiday Novruz in Turkmenistan is celebrated on March 21-22 as a national holiday of spring.