The competition was organized by the Central Council of the Makhtumkuli Youth organization of Turkmenistan in cooperation with the Ministry of education of the country. It was held in the cultural and business center of the city of Ashgabat and was attended by 12 girls-students of grades 2-4 of General secondary schools in Turkmenistan, including two girls from the Lebap velayat.
The girls showed musical numbers, poetically sang national clothes, in which they went on stage. And also, they expressively read poems that were chosen for each of the participants in accordance with her age.
Selby began to be interested in singing when she was still going to kindergarten #2 “Archajik” of Sayat etrap. At school, he continued his hobby. She performed in the festive events held in the kindergarten, etrap. This year, she became the winner of the velayat round of the contest “the most charming girl” and received the right to perform in its state tour.