The first batch of children who are on summer vacation, started to rest in the children’s health and recreation center “Bagtyyarlyk”.
In front of the specialized secondary school No. 39 of the city of Turkmenabat, a solemn send-off of schoolchildren for rest was held. It was attended by parents of children, teachers, representatives of the older generation, public organizations and wished them a good holiday.
The Bagtyyarlyk health and recreation center was commissioned five years ago. It is located near the Amu Darya river and 300 children can relax there at the same time. The center has sleeping rooms, recreation rooms, swimming pools, dining room, music and computer rooms. During the rest period, various games and competitions will be held with the participation of children, as well as excursions to the velayat center and surrounding areas.
There are also 77 recreation areas for children on the bases of secondary schools in the velayat. In them, teachers and educators organize various activities so that children spend their summer holidays interesting and useful.