The Chardzhouk cotton gin plant has harvested more than 2,816 tons of cotton seeds.
All seeds are of the “eloten—7” variety. They are sent to Chardzhou, Sayat and Halach stages according to the requests. This amount of seed will be enough to sow more than 26 thousand 320 hectares of land. This season, 130 thousand hectares of land are planned to be sown with cotton in the Lebap velayat. In addition to “eloten—7”, the region’s farms traditionally grow such varieties of this crop as “S—2606”, “Ash—36” and “133”.
The “eloten-7” variety of cotton is grown in the farms of the Chardzhou etrap specifically for seed production. Last year, this was done by cotton farmers of seven peasant associations. This season, cotton under the seeds will be grown in six farms: in the peasant associations named after J.Hekimova and H. Hadjiev, “Amudarya”, “jeykhun”, “Watan” and “Azatlyk”.