The football tournament under this name among young players born in 2008-2009 ended in the city of Deynau-the administrative center of the eponymous etrap. The matches were played on the all-weather artificial turf of sports school No. 1. There, 8 teams contested for the honorary trophy: four represented the hosts of the competition, and the same number represented Turkmenabat.
At the initial stage, they were divided into two groups, where they met each other in a circular system and the best two went on. At the next stage, the games were already played according to the Cup system. And in the semi-final “Galkynysh “(Deynau) with a hockey score of 8:4 won” Nokat ” (Turkmenabat). In another match, the team of the velayat center “Nesil” took a convincing revenge for the countrymen. The visitors scored 5 unanswered goals against Dostluk from Deynau etrap, which later won against Nokat in the third-place match.
The decisive match gathered a large number of spectators who strongly supported their team. However, in the first half, they fell silent when Azat Vepaev opened the scoring by sending a header from a corner ball into the goal of Galkynysh. Then Agabeg Artykov increased the advantage of “Nesil”, making a slalom pass into the penalty area of the opponents and scoring the second goal. The home team managed to close the gap in the score with a penalty before the break.
In the second half, the same Agabeg Artykov caught the goalkeeper by surprise with a long-range shot. To the credit of the Galkynysh players, they showed character and rushed to play back under the noise of their fans, but they only had enough time for one goal scored. The final whistle recorded the victory of “Nesil” with the score 3: 2. Its captain and Central defender Aki Akiev raised a beautiful Cup over his head in a solemn atmosphere. And all the players from the city on the Amu Darya were awarded medals.
In addition to the guys named above, the goalie Arslan Serdarov always stood in the goal as part of the winners of the honorary trophy. The defense played Anwar Rovshan Aziz Rakhmanov, Allaberdy Kurbanov, the Sultan of Safarjan and Samir Seyidov. In the middle of the field, Suleyman Babayev, Dovran Beshimov, Daniyar Khamraev and Erkin Alisherov were active. The attacks were completed by Dovlet Charyev, Merdan Dovranov and Sunnet Nurullayev. It is worth adding that these guys under the guidance of coach Artem Khusenov are not used to winning. After all, they are two-time Champions of Turkmenabat, and now they have achieved a new achievement (in the picture).
It should be noted that the team “Galkynysh”reached the final. She consistently participates in competitions not only in her native etrap, but also in Turkmenabat and Dashoguz, and is among the winners there. The boys are successfully trained by their mentor Timur Novruzov, who is passionate about his work.
By all accounts, the competitions in Deynau were organized at a high level. This can be judged by such facts. Matches were played in the morning and evening hours only, taking into account the hot weather. And the best scorer Roland Sepino (“Nocat”) and best player in Orazmurat Garaganova (“Galkynysh”) to the applause were awarded with valuable gifts.
The tournament promoted active recreation of children during the summer school holidays and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation. And these competitions are planned to become traditional.


Photo of the author.

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